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How can I open an account?If you require an Execution-only services, select the Account Application link on our website, download and complete the appropriate Registration Form. Completed forms and copies of required identification documents can be posted or emailed. To learn more about what we offer and how to open an account you can call us at +44 20 3884 8450.
How can I fund my account?Make secure payments online by debit card using our Debit card Payment. Funds are normally credited and available to trade within the hour. However, payments can take up to two days to clear. Payments cannot be made with credit cards. Via electronic bank transfer - email us for account details.
Are monies I deposit subject to any protection?Your money will be held in a client bank account, along with the monies of other clients, with authorised banks or institutions that are established by our custodian and settlement agent, Jarvis Investment Management Limited (JIM). Client bank accounts are designated as trust accounts and are segregated from our own funds or those of our agents. Monies you deposit and the client bank accounts that we or JIM use, are subject to the Financial Conduct Authority’s Client Money Rules.
Can I transfer in share certificates?Yes, share certificates can be deposited into your nominee account by sending us a completed Crest Transfer Form along with the certificate. It is recommended to send the form (one per holding) and certificate via recorded delivery. A Crest Transfer Form can be download from our website. We cannot accept shares from outside the UK.
How do I sell share certificates?For shares within the UK first you should ensure the certificate is valid and in the name of the account holder before letting your account executive know the holding you wish to sell. Following the sale, you will receive a Crest Transfer Form along with your contract note. The transfer form must be signed and returned to us as soon as possible. The trade cannot be settled until this documentation has been received and lodged with the share registrar. When posting documents of value it is recommended to use recorded delivery.
Where are my shares / What is a nominee account?Securities held in nominee form are held electronically and usually on your behalf by your broker or their custodian. The principal benefit of having securities held in nominee form is that they can be transferred and settled in a shorter timeframe and there is no requirement to hold paper certificates in safe custody. Securities of our clients held in nominee form are registered in the nominee account of our agent Jarvis Investment Management Limited, but the clients have beneficial ownership of them. We would generally recommend that clients hold securities in nominee rather than certificated form.
What about Corporate Actions?All corporate actions will be notified to you in writing.
How do I transfer stock in from another broker?Download and complete our transfer form. Upon receipt of this we will contact your broker to arrange the transfer of your stock.
How do I place an order?Call our dealing line on +44 20 3884 8450 or Email your dealer instructions. Emailing can lead to a delay in execution.
How will I receive trade confirmations?Contract notes confirming your transaction can be sent by post or email once you have traded.
Can I view my account activiy online?Yes, you can access your account statement through our online portal by choosing the “Client Access” link on our website.
How do I get online access?Once you have received your account number from FDC, choose the “Client Access” link on our website, then click on the “Activate” button and follow the steps.
When will I receive dividends?Dividends are credited to your account on the day they are received from the registrar.
When will I receive my tax voucher?Tax vouchers are issued annually for dividends paid within the previous tax year. These are posted to you shortly after the end of the tax year. Please email us should you wish to receive an electronic copy.
How do I withdraw money from my account?Please send us a written instruction via post, email or fax. Payment can only be made to a bank account in your name.
How do I change my address?Either email us directly ensuring you specify your account number and old address or complete the change of address form on the downloads page and email or post the document to us.
How do I change my bank details?Please write to us with a signed letter of instruction, enclosing an original bank statement (or a copy certified by your bank) including your name, account number and sort code.
What should you do if you have any cause for complaint?If you have a complaint, please contact Daniel Fox-Davies, the Managing Director, by email at or call +44 20 3884 8450.
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